Norwegian Business Association India

Membership Benefits

  • Expand your connections and broaden your commercial links.
  • Be acquainted to the Nordic culture.
  • Get introduced to the Norwegian Embassy and Innovation Norway to boost your network and have a platform to address your grievances.
  • Acquire business support and assistance.
  • Enhance your commercial knowledge.
  • Be a part of high level business delegations & increase your chances of productive outcomes.
  • Exposure to Team Norway events.
  • Enjoy a close working relationship with the Nordic chambers.
  • Attend & participate at exclusive Nordic events.
  • Be part of NBAI social activities & happenings.
  • Avail exclusive NBAI Newsletters (quarterly)

For a brief introduction, NBAI was launched in 2013 at the initiative of Norwegian businessmen with the support of the NorwegianDiplomatic Missions in India. We are the representative body of Norwegian business interests in India and aim to provide a stepping stone to companies to assist them with all aspects of growing their business in India. With operations in Mumbai, it provides a focal point for individuals who pursue business in India and further complements and supplements the NBAI Union and other business groups, while providing a platform for Norwegian Businesses to meet, exchange views and make representations. Accessing our network is completely free of charge. If your business is considering expanding into a new territory in India you’ll find the assistance of our group invaluable.

Thus, NBAI is a member’s organisation for supporting and networking of likeminded companies and individuals with Norwegian roots or connections. Since inception, in early 2013, we have attracted around 60 Norwegian organisations to be members, thus having wide spread presence in 9 different states. NBAI host several events such as Sector Seminars, Business Surveys, Knowledge Seminars, Symposia, Invest India Dialogues, Annual General Meeting, Seafood Dinner, Exhibitions, Norway Asia Business Summit along with events organised with other Nordic Partners. NBAI is an active part of Team Norway, which comprises of the apex Norwegian authorities in India (Norway Embassy & Consulate, Innovation Norway and NBAI) and would be invited to be a part of the delegations headed by the Ambassador, meet government representative’s central and state level. Throughout the year, NBAI organises activities for members to pursue these objectives.

NBAI organises events of member interest and ongoing topics of relevance Pan India mainly in Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore.
Members are represented across the following sectors:

  • Maritime
  • Oil & Gas
  • Information Technology
  • Manufacturing
  • Chemicals
  • Medical
  • Renewable Energy
  • Marine
  • Green Tech
  • Defence

To help you understand more about our association, I am hereby enclosing the NBAI Application form, brochure which is self-explanatory of the NBAI membership plans along with our recent newsletter to help you know more about our activities.

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